
You are the star of your portraits, and so your face is the most important part of the photo.

Choose clothing that makes you feel great when you wear it, and that will come through in your face.

Solid colors photograph better than stripes or patterns.

Consider long sleeves (as weather permits) because forearms have a lot of surface area and can distract from faces.

If you have a group, consider coordinating colors.

Choose colors that you feel attractive when wearing.


We firmly believe that everyone is beautiful and unique.

Choose make-up that makes you feel great.

There is no need for overdone or extra-heavy makeup.

Small imperfections such as blemishes can be removed in post-processing.


Your face should be the star of every photo.

Jewelry can enhance a photo, but it should not be a distraction.

Choose jewelry that has meaning for you, but is subtle enough that it will not pull attention away from your face.